Friday, December 25, 2009

Weather Cheats Tom

“There is not enough warmth this year, fruits should have ripe by now, Tom Price an Orchardist in the Western Australia adds, I can’t help it.”

65-year-old Orchardist in the valley of Roleystone in Western Australia boast of best fruits- Dapple Dandy, Sweet Henry, Artic J and Artic star (Nectarine), and most importantly his expertise in planning the growth of all the varieties with weather.

‘I have done this for last sixty years,’ Tom claims that he started working for his farm at the age of five, ‘ I know how to do this, yeah,’ he says to every person who doubts his experience.

This summer, Tom is taken aback. Weather did not pick up to ripe his fruits as he had anticipated. He had planned his harvest to hit the market earlier than other growers. He waives his hand on air to show his frustration and simultaneously twisting his mouth expressing hopelessness.

Australia is a contradictory land for a Himalayan being, when it is winter there, it is devastatingly hot here. World is complaining of global warming, for farmer like Tom, 30 degree heat is not enough. Winter is cold when it is raining and pleasant when it is not. When the people in Down-under are harvesting fruits and vegetables, up north they are hoarding for winter. When the world leaders are meeting in Copenhagen to tackle climate change, politicians here are complaining of Emission Trading Scheme as an extravagance on the taxpayers.

According to the Opposition leader, Tony Abbot, the taxpayer will have to pay $ 1100 more per annum with ETS in place. He is strongly objecting ETS of Rudd government. Tom needs more warming this summer, Tony understands Tom, Rudd is trying not to let it happen at least in future.

In a funny way, Tom and Tony are not feeling the heat. Bloke and Sheila have no idea of heat within Rudd government. I fail there too as an outsider. Critics have pointed out that Kevin Rudd is trying his best to stand in international limelight. For Tom, change in climate has become an issue this summer. He won’t be able to fetch as much price for his fruits as his forecast.

Weather is taking its toll for Tom, and combined forces of economics and politics in the country are gearing the toll of his time. So, God help him. It is evident by the concern deliberated by the world leaders and reaction of environmentalists in Copenhagen that weather will continue to cheat him.


  1. hey, buddy.. nice blog. i'd my liking for the article. keep up the spirit! God bless u

  2. Thank You. I appreciate your comment.
